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C. H. Booth Library Minutes
Board of Trustees Meeting
April 13, 2010

Present: Liz Arneth, Robert Cox, Dan Cruson, Kathy Geckle, John Godin, Bill Lavery, Martin Margulies, Bill McCarthy, Nancy Reidy, Jennifer Reilly, Martha Robilotti, Moira Rodgers, Michelle Rosenthal, Paul Sirois, Peter Stern, John Trentacosta, and Janet Woycik.

Absent:  Jeanne Honan and Mary Kelley

Michelle handed out a new Board roster that was corrected.

There was a brief discussion about moving up the time of the meeting to 7:00 PM as a test run. John Godin made a motion to have the Board meeting next month at 7:00 PM and it was seconded by John Trentcosta.  Bill Lavery voted against it.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  Bill McCarthy passed out reports for March and April.  There was a vote on the latest Friends’ Disbursement of $17,000.  Bill Lavery made a motion to accept the Friends’ donation and John Trentacosta passed it.  Motion passed unanimously.  Bill has met with the Friends and reported the new procedures for asking for money from the Friends:  Janet will ask the Board for a donation, it will be voted on by the Board, then Martha will discuss it with Mary Maki who will bring it to the Friends Board for approval.  Once the request has been approved by the Friends, an invoice will be given to Meg Savarese who will notify the Friends’ Treasurer who will issue the check.  Janet then reported that the telephone system needs to be replaced for $7,000.  The money will be taken from the Friends’ money that remains.  John Trentacosta made a motion that we take $7,000 from the Friends’ money and replace the system.  Bill Lavery seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  Janet will present an itemized expenditure list of the $17,000 by the May board meeting.  Janet stated that the DVD buffing machine is working right now and doesn’t need repairs.  John Trentacosta suggested to Bill McCarthy that it would be a good idea to meet with the J. P. Morgan money managers ASAP in order to discuss our finances with them.

Librarian’s Report:  Janet reported the roof needs repairs. The outside windows will be cleaned for $1,080.00 and the money will be taken from the Cleaning Budget.  Janet has ordered a new security system for an estimated cost of $2,950.00 including labor.  The slate in front of the library that was broken was repaired for $782.00.  A special thanks was given to John Godin who was able to get the library a grant for $5,250 from GE Capital for a sensory story time program that will help special needs children in Newtown at the library.

Janet will get a cost estimate for fixing the microfilm printer or for purchasing a refurbished printer.

Policies and Personnel Committee:  Michelle stated that the town used a labor lawyer to help them revise their Employees Handbook and that we need the advice of a labor lawyer to help revise our manual.  Bill Lavery suggested we ask Dave Grogins about this.  In the meantime, John Godin made a motion that we set aside $500 to have our Employees Handbook reviewed by a labor lawyer and Marty Margulies seconded it.  Motion passed unanimously.

Fund Raising:  John Godin reported that we are ahead of last year’s fund raising efforts.  He commented that the funds should be raised as unrestricted donations in order that the Board can restrict how they will be used.  He is working very hard on the Road Race fundraiser that will take place on Thanksgiving morning here in Newtown.  He passed out a paper that explained the Fundraising Committee Responsibilities and Fund Allocations.  John said that his committee will be working on a handout that explains what the fundraising does for the library and create a fundraising vision.  John will need volunteers to work for the road race.  Sponsors will pay for the costs involved in the race.

Building and Grounds:  Janet went and got the figures and reported that it will cost approximately $2,225 to fix the roof.  Bill Lavery made a motion to move $2500 from Capital Reserve to fix the problems.  Martin Margulies seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Historical Liaison:  Dan was concerned about the high temperatures in the Reference Department during the recent heat wave.  Unfortunately, the only way the air conditioning can be turned on if it the boilers are drained.  This would create another problem if the weather turns cold.  Dan also said the Gibson exhibit would remain through April.  Newtown Patch is covering the library activities on line.

At this point, Janet reported the following cost estimates:  Security-$2950, Printer-1650, and the phone service $7,357.  Janet said we also need a new sign in front of the building.  Some of the leftover Gala money may go towards this project, a framing project, and future signage for the interior of the library.

Friends Liaison:  Peter reported that on April 25th they will have their Semi-Annual Book Collection.  They need more books.  Internet sales have increased as well as the funds from the Book Nook.

Kathy Geckle reported that the Staff Appreciation will be held on Sunday.June 27th at her house and will be a cookout at around 2 or 3 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Arneth, Secretary